Why erectile dysfunction happens in young men is something you would definitely be very keen on knowing about, if you are young and you have been seeing in yourself the warning signs of erectile dysfunction . Erectile Dysfunction Is A Very Major Problem All Over The World Each year, around 15% men suffer from erectile dysfunction . Male impotency could be brought about by various psychological and physiological reasons. In a study done on 400 men, it was found that 1 in 4 new cases of male impotency, happened in men who were below the age of 40. Even Young Men Are Effected By Erectile Dysfunction! Whoever said that only men who are elderly are affected by ED, also known as male sexual impotence ? Though it is true that men who are elderly, especially men who are above the age of 50, are more prone to suffering from impotence in men , it is also true that men who are young can suffer from male impotency. Studies reveal that around 25% of men wh...
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